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President's Message

The President of Congregation B'nai Avraham writes each erev Shabbat about the week's parsha and what's happening at the shul.

Aug 26, 2022, Parsha Re'eh

This week's Parsha, Re’eh, touches on many different topics. We learn about the rewards of following the commandments and the cost of not, sacrifices, false idols, kosher animals, tithes, charity, and the laws of  Shmita, Pesach, Shavuot and Sukkot. …

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A moral society requires transparency. Without trust and understanding, divisions arise.  In this spirit ... I've had the pleasure of speaking to many congregants about different issues, and there must be others with the same questions or concerns, so this information can reach everyone. I'll start this week with two questions I’ve been asked over the past few weeks. …

Read the full column here.

Aug 19, 2022, Parsha 

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Aug 12, 2022, Parsha

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Aug 5, 2022, Parsha Devarim

This week, we read Parshat Devarim on Tisha B'Av, the saddest day of the Jewish year when we mourn the destruction of both Holy Temples. …
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Culminating the nine days, we have a full Tisha B'Av roster of services and inspiring lectures throughout the day. See the flyer abovefor the full list. 
Speaking of the nine days, I want to thank everyone who came and celebrated our backyard siyyum barbecue with us. Now that we have done this twice, next year will be a chazakah and it will make a great tradition of siyyumim at CBA.…

Read the full column here.

July 29, 2022, Parsha

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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784